Ginger & Mint Juice




Ginger & Mint Juice

Ginger is a dirt leg of the platoon Alzenajabilah grows in the soil and on its surface to be held, is characterized by a sharp Btamh strong odor, in addition to it contains carbohydrates and volatile oils; Make it a great benefits especially for the respiratory and digestive system in the body, the mint is the herbal plants that are characterized by smell aromatic and powerful, and it contains fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, and has a lot of health and therapeutic benefits, and is used in the preparation of hot drinks where it is added to the tea to give him flavor special and distinctive, mint and ginger is added to the preparation of ginger tea and mint, so as to get their benefits together, Snarafkm in this article on how to prepare ginger tea, mint and benefits to the body.

Benefits of ginger tea and mint health

  • Prevention of cases of poor digestion, treatment of intestinal disorders and bowel disorders, and ridding the body of the stomach bulges and gases, as well as the treatment of constipation.
  • Treatment of various colon problems, especially infections of the colon.
  • Treatment of some diseases of the respiratory system; Such as colds, flu, severe cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and treatment of colds.\
  • Treat some of the problems of the mouth; Such as: pain gums, teeth, and protect them from decay.
  • Relieve joint and bone pain, and protection from arthritis.
  • Treatment of headaches, especially migraines.
  • Relieve the pain of the menstrual cycle.
  • Treat some skin problems; Such as skin infections, resist signs of aging and aging resistance through the appearance of wrinkles and facial lines.
  • Resistant cell growth of cancer in the body, and prevent their spread


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